Sunday, February 13, 2011

Electronic Leases

Yes, we have them.  In fact, everybody wants one.  You just may call it a cell phone, smart phone, texting phone, or "gasp" a pager (remember those from the dark ages?).  I remember the day I received my first one from my boss.  I begrudged it.  I want to leave work at work and home to be home.  But alas, 24X7 availability was working its way through my industry and it was becoming a common job requirement.  A girl's gotta eat, so could I have refused?  Probably, but finding a position without a leash would be a tough assignment. 
I've carried a cell phone now for about 15 years, never thinking I liked them and always thought I could do without them.  Then unemployement happened.  Yup, I've been unemployeed and leashless for two weeks.  Can't tell you how many times I've reached for my phone and it wasn't there.  Last week, the school called because Teagan hadn't been picked up after school.  I had picked up Kama 2 hours before school was out and taken her to the Dr's office.  Because I hadn't come home by the time to pick up Teagan, Steve assumed I was at the school to pick her up.  This defys my logic, because where did he think I was for the past two hours with a sick child?  His answer?  I should have asked permission to call him from the Dr's office to let him know where I was and that I wouldn't be picking up Teagan.  That was Thursday.  Talking about it today, the breakdown in communication was due to my failure to "take his cell phone with me". 

So when the school called and asked me to come pick up Kama, here is what I should have done (according to the boss). 
Find his cell phone - of course, he doesn't leave it in the same spot so a search would have been required.
Let him know that I was taking his cell phone.  He was in the middle of his internet "radio" program and I would have had to dance naked in front of the neighbors singing the Hallalluh choirus to get his attention.
Then drive to the school to pick up Kama.
He then wanted me to call him to let him know I was taking Kama to the Dr and would be picking up Teagan.  Which would again, interrupt his show.  And he get aggravated if interrupted too many times.

So the moral of this story is:  get a new leash and let him call me to know what's going on.  Maybe that's petty, but that's my 2 cents.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm finally joining the Internet blogging community.

I've been laid off after working for the same company for 20 years.  This past week has been my first week of unemployment and I've spent it in a fog.  I feel like I've lost focus, maybe a little of my purpose in life, and just darned weird.  I've been doing a lot of computer searching for job seekers and all of the advice out there is often confusing and conflicting.

For example,  I was told (who knows how many eons ago) that employers search the Internet for more information about you.  You blog? then your prospective employer can find that and read all about your rants and raves.  General consensus .. not necessarily a good thing!  But the situation has changed and I'm reading that if your not on the social website and posting/blogging then your most likely old fashioned and your tech skills may be outdated.  WOW!  Bare your soul to the world so that we know you can use a computer?!?  How about "We didn't find you on the Internet, so you must know how to keep your mouth shut?

So for the sake of employment possibilities, I'm starting my very own blog.  Perhaps a prospective employer will find and read my blog.  I'm not going to bare my soul, but at least maybe they will see that I have decent grammar and know how to use spell check.

That's my 2 cents.